3 Ways To Move Black Voters from Blue to Red
Joining us now is Audrey Pruitt. He is the CEO of the New Journey Political Action Committee. It is a pleasure to have you on the show. Let’s start off by telling us a little bit about your pac and what your goals are for this year and beyond.
Autry Pruitt:
New Journey Political Action Committee has one single goal, and that goal is moving black voters from the blue column to the red column. That’s our single goal. We have a lot of black organizations. They do a lot of great work in the country, but what we fail to have is an organization that’s permanently concentrated on moving voters. We have people that entertain such as Diamond and Silk. We have people that ignite fire brands like Candace Owens and there’s people such as, TD Jakes for example, was a spiritual leader. And we have academics like Thomas Sowell, but what we need is a black organization. That’s concentrated on moving voters into the conservative movement.
So how do you do that?
Autry Pruitt:
Do that. There’s three ways we do it one way is the traditional pac way, advertising, marketing, radio commercials, television. But another way we do that is by actually being there in the community on the ground every day, they’re shaking hands, talking to individuals, listening. We need to do a lot more listening as conservatives to meet those community needs. And a third way we do that is by linking like partners together. For example, we have urbancure.org, which focuses on education and focuses on things like school choice in linking them with like partners, such as faith communities in the individual neighborhoods around the country.
You know, the democratic party for decades now has been seen as the big tent party right there. And you have heard vice president, Joe Biden, sit there, say that, you know, you’re not black unless you basically vote for me. And I, and I’m paraphrasing what he said. Why do you think that is? Because going to your website, you talk about the Republican party is a party of Lincoln and you remind people of the history of the Republican party. Where did that shift happen? And how long do you think it’s going to take for that shift to change? Because I know that’s something the Trump administration has been diligently trying to do.
Autry Pruitt:
The shift has happened over the past 30 to 40 years. We believe it’s going to take 20 to 30 years to shifted back so that 80% of black voters are voting Republican again. It’s gonna take some time. One reason to go take some time is because everybody’s a racist. If you don’t agree with the Democrat party, it doesn’t matter what color you are. Doesn’t matter where you came from. If you don’t agree with the Democrats, then you’re a racist and it takes a lot to beat that back.
So how do you do that though? I mean, and how did you come up with this estimate of 20, 30 years?
Autry Pruitt:
So how you do that, how you beat back is by focusing on messages that actually get individuals to think independently. Let me give you a great example. One of the things that you can look for taxes, a message that resonates with the black community is for years, individuals who were building wealth, white families were able to use the tax code to their advantage. They’re able to use the tax code to save their money and help their families. And now that black families are building wealth, all of a sudden you want to come in and snatched the money away to prevent us from building wealth. So that’s a message that may not resonate with white voters, but it does resonate, it gets some heads to not with black voters. That’s why it should be on the conservative side. If you’re black,
Let me ask you this. So obviously the pandemic has turn this year upside down. Black owned businesses in particular, according to multiple reports have been hit, especially hard because of the pandemic. Here tonight, We’re going to have the first vice presidential debate with a woman of color who you know, is going to hit that hard. Now there’s been some question whether or not that the president having contracted COVID-19 works to his advantage, going into these debates and going into the election or a disadvantage. What say you?
Autry Pruitt:
I believe that it’s neutral the president of human COVID for those who hate them, they want them to die for those who love them and want to live. I think the undecided voter in the middle is looking for their issues to be solved at the local level, in their families and their jobs. That’s what they’re looking for. Yes, I think the president having COVID is important, but it’s not going to be a deciding factor. The deciding factor is what can you do for me? That’s the biggest tell in elections.
In all fairness, the president has reiterated this over and over and over again, touting the unemployment numbers. Again, a lot of these are pre pandemic.But specifically when it comes to Hispanics and African Americans, he’s tried to relay that message over and over again, saying that the unemployment numbers are the lowest they’ve ever been. Do you agree with that first off? Is that message getting relayed enough as it should?
Autry Pruitt:
Well, he can only say so much because black voters aren’t watching Fox news. They’re not reading Breitbart. They’re not watching American news. They’re not watching OAE, they’re not watching anything. They’re watching CNN. They’re watching CNN, MSNBC, The Root, Worldstar Hip Hop, for example, and those messages are not there. The Republican party has to move where black voters are. It’s not enough to throw a barbecue. It’s not enough to hand out pizzas. You can’t come a month or two weeks before the election. You got to come very, very early and show that you care. President Trump was there, but no media would cover it.
So we are now just days away from the November election. What can your pac do what others do to relay that message? Because for people who support your cause they don’t have 20, 30 years. Yeah. They have a few days to try to get this president reelected again, if you’re in favor of the president.
Autry Pruitt:
Yeah. So what we can do, there’s two things that we can do. The first thing that individuals can do is just get out there and talk regular talk conversations with black Americans. That’s the biggest thing you can do.
A lot of people will tell you that his or her minds are already made up. Would you agree with that? Is it going to be very difficult to change?
Autry Pruitt:
I don’t think it’s going to be very difficult to change it. I think it’s going to be difficult, but not very difficult to change it. But a lot of people say their minds are made up about a lot of things. And then once they engage and once they actually have to go in the privacy of the ballot box, we saw this in 2016, their minds can change. Every suburban woman’s mind was made up about Trump until they went into the box. And I believe that was because on Facebook, other suburban women started to talk to other suburban women and they started to engage and say, I want school choice. We want a return of women being respected and adored. And the president apologized for what happened. And they begin to talk about that. And that translated in the voting booth.
Why do you think identity politics is so hard to overcome?
Autry Pruitt:
Because Hollywood and the media has wrapped your entire existence. In identity politics let’s take politics out of it. When it comes to eating a hamburger, when it comes to dolls, you play with, when it comes to places you go, music, you listen to, it’s all codified. If you’re black, if you’re white, if you’re short, if you’re tall, if you’re yellow, if you’re not, Oh, you know, black people like that kind of music, they like the beats, Oh, you know, black people can dance. Oh, you know why people like 20/20, you know, bluegrass music that this is all I played, blue ass music action on it. We have the condition as American, since the sixties to look at things in these terms. So naturally politics follows culture.
We only literally have a few seconds remaining. So we’re quickly. Um, any, uh, predictions for tonight
Autry Pruitt:
Diction tonight is Mike Pence is going to absolutely destroy Kamala, fake, Harris.
Kamala, fake, Harris. All right. Autry, Pruitt. Thank you so much for joining us. I hope you’ll come back again. Certainly. Thank you.